Liget will offer smart apartments with a view of Bratislava Castle

Just as Prague looked out for the unique Fragment by Trigema, Bratislava is enjoying a new dominant feature of a development construction. 

VSD Development is completing Liget, a high-rise apartment building with an ambitious goal – to take the Slovak housing market to a new level with its architecture, design, location and also comfort, which will be fundamentally supported by smart technologies. Famous Slovak personalities and businessmen are already hanging about the luxury apartments. They probably don’t want to miss the opportunity to be present at a prestigious project that stands out on the map of Slovak development projects. 

North American style and a dreamt-of maisonette

When presenting new projects, no developer usually spares superlatives. What did VSD Development do then to make Liget different and live up to its motto of ‘a new history of housing’?

The modern high-rise building is situated on the edge of the Janko Kráľ Park in Petržalka district, Bratislava. It was designed by an experienced architect Ľubomír Závodný and members of the DZ Architekti office. The glass design is complemented by at first sight inconspicuous balconies, which make them look like high-rise apartment buildings from North America. 

Liget is deliberately not presented as a project for a wider range of interested parties, but as highly premium housing. Luxury breathes on the residents as soon as they enter. “The lobby is entered through a revolving door. Inside, you find a gentleman in a jacket who will show you into the building, which should resemble a hotel style. There will be an electronic turnstile installed there. It will close after 10 p.m., but will open for you as the owner,” explained Peter Marhula, CEO at VSD Development, to the Slovak online blog YIM.BA. The residents (for instance businessmen) will be able to plan and organize meetings in the premises adjacent to the lobby.

The beautiful apartments, of which there will be 90, are already to welcome their demanding residents this year. The two to four-room residences are designed in three variants of colours and materials used. But the real hidden treasure is the maisonette apartment situated on the 15th and 16th floor with a perfect view of the historic centre of the capital and even the Bratislava Castle. The largest and most luxurious apartment is, nevertheless, the 700 sq m penthouse on the top floor.

Equipment for maximum comfort 

The demanding character of the housing unit solutions corresponds with the demanding clientele. Desired comfort is created by connecting high-quality design, equipment and technology. And it is the technologies that the apartments and the whole house are really loaded with. Ceiling cooling, floor heating, heat recovery, electric shading and in the best apartments even their private internal lift.

The technologies themselves would not be enough if their operation was difficult and complicated for the residents. The developer also kept that in mind and decided to upgrade the intelligent system. The functions of the apartment are largely controlled automatically. Control elements are minimal and do not detract from the refined design. The residents can get by with only one stylish button in each room, or else, they have an overview of the household in one mobile application. 

Automatic fixscreens will prevent overheating and secure privacy 

The interesting feature of the building is the different structural heights of the floors, which range from 2.6 to 3.5 m. The combination with large glazed surfaces looks perfect, but can cause overheating of the interiors. That is why the developer opted for so-called fixscreens, external wind tight shutters that fit the glazed facades perfectly. Despite the shading, they let in enough daylight and at the same prevent one to see in through them. 

Fixscreens represent a good example of how technology can be further improved by its smart automation. The shutters will be self-operated, always according to the current internal temperature. In the summer, they will effectively prevent overheating, in the winter, on the contrary, they will not prevent the heat gain from the glazed surfaces to heat the interior favourably. The shutters close automatically at the desired hour in order to prevent nosy parkers from looking into the lit rooms.

Smart apartments as standard

The apartments will be fitted with automatic shading and other smart functions at their base level and these will be secured by the Loxone system. The rooms will self-regulate the temperature according to their residents’ requirements through the aforementioned shutters and, above all, automatic floor heating. The investor did not have to buy additional temperature sensors, because the internal climate, including humidity, is measured by the aforementioned button (so-called touch) with a built-in sensor.

The unobtrusive presence sensors on the ceiling allowed for lighting automation. Safety functions have also been added to eliminate damage in the event of accidents. A water leak, for instance from a washing machine, is recognized by the water leak detector and the owner receives an immediate notification wherever he is. 

And the remote access from the application is yet another essential benefit. Having your own property ‘in your pocket’ when at work or on holiday is even more important when it comes to luxury apartments. All you need is one application instead of having several different ones for heating, lights, shading… Everything is clearly laid out in one place. Indeed, Loxone is based on connecting individual technologies.

The added value for the developer also pleased Peter Marhula. “In order to satisfy the requirements of the most demanding clients, it is necessary to ensure a high level of living comfort. Liget is therefore technologically loaded and outstrips other competitors in Bratislava. Intelligent wiring ensures practically autonomous operation of the apartment unit – automation is superior to manual functions,” explains the CEO at VSD Development. The Loxone system can be expanded with additional technologies and functions according to the owners’ requirements at any time.

Smart residence with Loxone 

What developers mostly appreciate is the fact that the smart system increases the value and attractiveness of the entire project. Automated buildings provide tenants with inimitable comfort. Thanks to smart energy management, the building achieves essential operational savings. The above-standard building protection is also important. The developer can reduce the initial investment by replacing the individual control systems with one universal one, which also controls

Pavel Lískovec, Loxone, Branch Manager CZ

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