The emphasis on energy-efficient buildings will increase

The energy efficiency of buildings will be an increasingly important topic in the future, this being due to the upcoming changes in the European requirements for new buildings.


Smart energy solution can also be a welcomed benefit for the end user of the building, whether it is logistics halls, warehouses, offices, or housing blocks and other residential projects. That is why development companies are increasingly interested in photovoltaics and other energy-efficient solutions.

Modern technologies bring savings

Photovoltaics, in combination with battery storage, represents an ideal solution for residential properties where rooftop installations provide the basis for daytime consumption and battery solutions supplement night-time operation. As for the industrial properties or retail centres, they reduce the overall energy consumption of buildings and improve their economic balance. A solar roof and appropriately solved energy storage will therefore represent lower operating costs in the future and thus increase the attractiveness of the entire building. Recently, this trend has also been significantly supported by rising energy prices.

Raiffeisen – Leasing has been following ESG for a long time, which is why we have, as one of the first financial institutions, already started financing solutions that lead to the reduction of emissions and the transition to renewable sources. We have a lot of experience in financing photovoltaic power plants from 2009–10, and at the turn of 2021/2022, we adjusted the conditions for a new type of financing without a guaranteed electricity purchase price.

Raiffeisen – Leasing offers a solution

Currently, we mainly offer financing for photovoltaic sources, this being from 5 million CZK (about 300 kWp). Along with financing, we offer comprehensive subsidy and technical consulting services. What is currently of particular interest are subsidized titles where the support reaches up to 50% of the purchase price. Our specialized subsidy team can provide all suitable options for subsidy support for each project and facilitate the entire administrative process for clients so that they have as little worries as possible when processing the subsidy application. Thanks to our experience in the construction of photovoltaics, we can also help find the most suitable installation suppliers.

At Raiffeisen – Leasing, we can offer financing for photovoltaics separately or together with the financing of the entire building. In addition to solar power plants, we can also finance other energy-saving solutions, such as coge-
neration units or heat pumps. These alternatives are usually welcomed especially in the case of industrial real estate; for instance, heat pumps are becoming more and more popular among developers of residential buildings. It is obvious that even the approach to development and construction has been changing in the long term, and the issue of energy efficiency will also be an essential part that the end users will look at. Raiffeisen – Leasing is a partner for all companies that provide financing not only for the real estate itself, but also for technological components enabling their economic and ecological operation.


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