Photovoltaics leads to energy independence and stability: Why invest in it even today?

Improving the energy profile of a property that meets ESG requirements, local consumption of produced energy that reduces building operators’ economic dependence, price certainty that enables stable financial planning — these are some of the benefits of installing a rooftop photovoltaic power station.

These experienced their boom after the dramatic rise in energy prices in 2022. However, despite the calmed situation, there are still several reasons to invest in rooftop photovoltaics even today. 

Financing options through Raiffeisen – Leasing 

Two years ago, the increase in energy prices motivated many companies to invest in photovoltaics, expecting primarily financial savings and predictability of future costs. Nevertheless, energy self-sufficiency makes sense even after the dramatic period of price increase has passed. The unstable security situation in Ukraine and the Middle East persists and can have a significant and, above all, unexpected impact on energy prices. 

What is important for the operation of commercial premises as well as housing blocks is predictability and, above all, stability, which needs to be reflected in the financial plans of projects and also in household budgets. Photovoltaics can provide their owners with immediate financial relief in the form of savings on several components of the final price of electricity. These mainly represent distribution fees and a fee for supported energy sources (SES), which you do not pay in the case of the installation of photovoltaics and energy consumption directly in the building or complex of buildings. 

“Rooftop solar power stations allow their owners to plan their financial future better thanks to the certainty that they will not be surprised by price fluctuations caused by global or local affairs in the coming years. However, it is always necessary to think about how to best financially secure the investment in photovoltaics. At Raiffeisen – Leasing, we offer several options. With classic financing based on the applicant’s past financial results, the client gains greater flexibility in setting the parameters of electricity sales. The second option is the creation of a project SPV, where the photovoltaics is repaid from their own operation. Another option is that Raiffeisen – Leasing’s partner builds rooftop photovoltaics at their own expense and concludes a 20-year energy supply contract with the owner of the building. The final price of electricity does not exceed the price of the original energy supplier. Once this period is over, the photovoltaics gets transferred to the owner of the building for CZK 1,” Přemysl Beneš, Managing Director of Raiffeisen – Leasing, outlines the options for financing a photovoltaic power station. 

Photovoltaics helps meet ESG requirements  

The improvement of sustainability parameters and the fulfilment of ESG requirements are also not on the sidelines of interest. Rooftop solar power stations significantly improve building’s energy efficiency. At a time when more and more tenants consider ESG principles a key factor when choosing a property and when many companies work intensively on their green transformation, photovoltaic systems are a meaningful solution for fulfilling sustainable commitments. “When it comes to older buildings with limited options for changing energy management, photovoltaics is often the only way as to how to meet ESG requirements. And we are ready to set up for our clients financing for this commodity as well and to provide a subsidy service that will help to get grants,” adds Přemysl Beneš.

Raiffeisen – Leasing is a proven partner that takes pride in an individual approach. From the first phase of the project and its preparation to the completion of the process, clients communicate with a team of professionals who are aware of their needs and possibilities and prepare a custom-made solution for them. The fact that clients who have tried out the Raiffeisen – Leasing solution repeatedly return to us speaks for the quality of the services.  


Photo: Raiffeisen – Leasing and Depositphotos

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