The first Austrian laboratories and offices from wood

As of 2017, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences BOKU in Vienna has had a new building made completely from wood. It is an exceptional building, which meets economical, ecological as well as social aspects of sustainability.

The author of the architectural concept is DELTA and the SWAP Studio. The two-story timber-frame building of about 1,300 sq m was built in only a year and became a very well-appointed facility for a new research centre and the Institute for Agrobiotechnology IFA in Tulln, Austria.

A well-thought through concept of a building

The analytic centre is situated on the ground floor, next to the foyer and a salon with a ward kitchen. The premises for the Institute for Environmental Biotechnology are on the top floor. the heart of the two-story timber-frame building and thus a central gathering place is a conference and common room with a kitchenette on the ground floor. Technological background facilities are in the basement.

Ecological as well as energetic wood quality

Three years of this building’s operation show that the modern timber-frame structure meets low-energy standards. Wood as a building material can be seen on a façade and also creates unchangeable aesthetics inside the building. There were approximately 500 m3 of timber from local woods used for the construction. All offices face south or west and benefit from an abundance of natural daylight. The laboratories were intentionally planned for the northern side in order to allow for work without being blinded. Thanks to its clear structure, the building fits in well with the character of the existing campus of the other buildings. Floor heating creates a comfortable environment, especially in the winter; heating is supplied via remote heat line. “With the selection of the timber-frame structure, we decided for an extra sustainable and highly functional material. We are astounded by wood’s qualities and advantages as a building material with regards to the speed of the construction process, cost effectiveness of the building and ecological as well as energetic quality of the new university building,” says Erik Štefanovič from DELTA Czech Republic with regards to the building.

Sustainable reflexions throughout its lifespan

The reasoning for the use of a timber-frame building came from the results of an architectural tender. Fast implementation, a high rate of flexibility when used and ecological factors convinced the investors of BIG and BOKU about the correctness of the ARGE DELTA SWAP concept. Economic advantages mainly stem from a time factor – what was decision making were the effective production processes, short assembly time at the building site and immediate load-bearing capacity of the structure. As for the ecological point of view, wood is an ideal building material as it is a renewable resource, which is 100% usable and recyclable.

The DELTA SWAP concept also has social aspects: “The homely character of wood emphasises students’ working environment. The clear working processes of the research company are also reflected in strictly rhythmically situated window openings,” explain architects Georg Unterhohenwarter and Markus Hofwimmer from ARGE DELTA SWAP. Apart from the fact that the new building is made from wood, it is also distinguished for its compact silhouette outline. The interior part of the building is divided into zones; partition walls inside the zones are not designed as load-bearing, so the rooms can be modified flexibly. The concept of the building is really well-thought out to the slightest detail in accordance with DELTA green line principle that the architects abided by and thanks to which they managed to convince the committee and win first place in the category of timber-framed public buildings.

red / Photo: Christian Brandstätter

Wisła vision: How did it come up

I used to go to the Polish town of Wisła to see the sculptor Grzegorz Michałek-Janosik for whom I organized an exhibition of his wooden sculptures at the Centre of City of the Future at CIIRC ČVUT last year.


One evening we were coming back from a bar in the largest hotel in Wisła, which stands out over the town as does an ocean liner over a port. I looked down at the town that spread out below us. Just in front of us, in the vicinity of the house where my friend Grzegorz lives and has his studio, I spotted a large undeveloped area. I gave it some thought and gave Grzegorz a rhetorical question: It would be a great plot for development, wouldn’t it? Do you know who owns it? And he just answered innocently and started to laugh: My father-in-law. A few more months passed before we met with Grzegorz’s father-in-law Jerzy Stańko. Already during our first meeting I wished we could work on this project.


Local patriot a developer

Jerzy purchased the plot more than 20 years ago. At that time, everyone wondered why he did that. When they later realised, those, who had wondered before, were clutching their heads as they are the only plots that can be actually be built on in the town centre to this extent.

What was important for Jerzy was that he was born and lived near Wisła and it is his heart’s issue to build something here and leave it to his children. He was fortunate that he was doing so well in business. After our discussion and presentation of my idea as to how to develop the area, we came to an agreement and, on this occasion, also went to visit the mayor. We agreed that we would also include within the project land, which is situated in this area and could become a part of the new business and cultural centre of the town of Wisła. We agreed that the assignment would also include an experimental theatre and common underground garages; the whole project will naturally have connection to the existing outline plan. Within the framework of that, there will also be applied those necessary changes that would allow the project to be realized for the benefit of the whole town.


Coronavirus postponed everything

The next consultation with the mayor and other town representatives played an important part when forming this particular area and preparation of the final proposal. The result can be seen in a visualization and animation video, which was executed by Studio Horák. The aim was to create an idea about an architectural-urban arrangement of the whole area and its possible functional utilization. The architecture of individual buildings will be dealt with within the projects for individual buildings. What was important was to define the area from a spatial point of view and determine set limits. The study assumes that a major part of the parterre will comprise a pedestrian zone with shops, bars, restaurants and units providing visitors with other services and with minimal disturbance from individual automobile transportation. There is also a plan to fit the whole project with intelligent technologies, which are to help optimize all processes that are to take place there, in connection with its neighbourhood.

The whole process was slowed by the situation with COVID-19. We are currently waiting for presentation to the town of Wisła. The client had a presentation video completed, which shows that it is not only one of many development projects whose aim is to gain maximum profit but that it is a project with which the person who grew up there wants to contribute to the thriving development of the town and also have respect to its past development and genius loci.

Michal Postránecký / visualization: studio horák

Wisła Riverside Citywalk

In the historical area of Těšín Silesia, in the mountain range of Silesian Beskids, near the borders with the Czech Republic, is the town of Wisła with a population of more than 11,000 people. This popular tourist destination is sought after by thousands of visitors throughout the year.


And it is where the story begins of architect Michal Postránecký, who executed and introduced the proposal for the study of the project of Wisła Riverside Citywalk. The study presents a concept that is anchored by a joint agreement about co-ordinated development in a particular area where there would be a central pedestrian boulevard with a complex of modern buildings with a broad functional utilization with very sensitively incorporated public areas from an urban point of view, bestowing the whole area with significant attractiveness.


The town of Wisła towards the future

The architect of the project, Michal Postránecký, who is also a founder and head of CCF CIIRC at the Czech Technical University in Prague, adds: “Together with town representatives and a private investor we believe that the vision of Wisła as a modern town of the 21st century can be connected suitably with the proposed project Wisła Riverside Citywalk. The project that follows the tradition and heritage of the old Wisła complements the existing town areas appropriately. The urban solution offers a newly created public area for the gathering of existing residents and visitors, which also interconnects suitably the function of housing with the area of job opportunities, quality restaurants and picturesque cafés, shops and cultural experiences.”


Location and urbanism

The heart of the new development is a pedestrian zone with a ‘theatre square surrounded by shops, cafés and excellent restaurants. Establishments and facilities provide particular services and theatre and other activities are focused perpendicularly towards the Vistula River and Kolejowa Road. Once completed, there will be a pedestrian route connecting the main Bogumiła Hoffa Square, a place with many activities and attractions, with 1. Maja Street and the Księżycowy Boulevard that runs along the river. Between the main road that runs through the town and the Vistula River, there is the striking complex of the Gołębiewski Hotel on the opposite side of the river.


Architectural solution

The architectural solution for the new buildings is designed in a style of modern architecture that respects the character of the location. A group of residential buildings is concentrated towards the river. Some of them can be used for short-term accommodation in a 4* boutique hotel or, in the case of longer stays, in residential units. The buildings are designed with a glazed façade which reflects the broad surroundings with which they will visually blend very well.


Corporate parking in towns

Many cities practice a strong restrictive parking policy within the municipality’s territory. This restriction has a significant influence on both, residents and corporate entities. Whilst it represents a positive change for the residents, businesses are almost always affected by regulating measures via increased financial costs.

 More and more people currently use a car, which naturally comes with traffic issues. Especially parking in restricted zones tends to be difficult. Demand for parking places exceeds supply and creates excess pressure. Municipal councils therefore often try to deal with parking problems through employing restrictive measures.

Zones complicate parking for business

Prague can be seen as an example as government is trying to prevent these parking problems by introducing paid parking zones. And apart from the city centre, where introduction of the restrictions can be justifiable due to the protection of a conservation area, these also tend to be seen in more restricted parts of the city. Most zones are exclusively intended for residents or their use can be subject to a charge. Zone regulation is, however, one-sided as it only represents improvement for local residents.

What is positive for permanent residents is, on the other hand, redeemed by the suffering of companies whose business can be really aggravated by the parking zones. Companies whose offices are in a particular part have the possibility to use parking zones for parking but the price is much higher than that for residents – and for many companies completely unbearable, not to mention the possible parking places for their customers. System revision and a change of conceptual solution is not in sight and that is why some companies try to find a way to avoid paying exorbitant fees and also to park more comfortably. All these entities are offered as a solution from GREEN Centre.

Solution for private plots

Some companies dispose with land that they use as a parking place for their vehicle fleet. Prior to the realization of paid parking zones, it was not necessary to somehow fence these areas off public areas. But the extensive introduction of zone parking tends to be used more and more by drivers who try to avoid paying for parking. Private land can be fitted with automatic parking barriers, which prevent unwanted persons from entering. The barriers can be controlled via remote controls, which is to allow entrance to their holders only – employees, customers, distributors and partners.

Companies based in buildings with a central yard can use yard areas for parking. These buildings tend to have a problem with insufficient courtyard entries where it is impossible for vehicles to pass in both directions. Saving passages on internal roads with a one-way entry can be solved by controlled transport system. Transport control monitors the presence of vehicles in a particular area and regulates their entry and exit on the basis of received information.

… as well as underground garages

Another solution represents the construction of an underground garage. Garage entry is fitted with a sliding gate controlled by a contactless card reader. Entry is only permitted to identification card holders. The company therefore has direct control over the utilization of parking premises. With regards to often restricted spatial layouts in garage entrances, a transport control system can also find its use there.

Most parking possibilities are, however, naturally available for developers and companies who decide to construct an entirely new property. Newly constructed buildings don’t need to be restricted to the use of simple parking systems but can also employ more complex solutions. Entrance and exit to and from the parking premises can be fitted with camera system for reading registration plates, which can secure speedy and comfortable drive through on basis of their automatic recognition. Extensive and large capacity garages can be fitted with navigation system for finding vacant parking places, navigating drivers via information displays and light signals to the nearest parking space, which reduces the driving to vacant space considerably. Commercial buildings can also be fitted with a system for automatic parking charge collection. Car parks fitted with comprehensive parking systems are to provide the users with the highest parking comfort.


Building materials for Prague are delivered on the Vltava River

The building industry has also seen an unexpected deviation and a slowdown in all projects this year. But the pace is slowly getting back to normal thanks to the greater need for new apartments, offices and schools in Prague.

A great number of heavy lorries daily bring building materials to Prague and take away a considerable amount of extracted rocks and scrap.

Freight transportation produces a large amount of emissions, devastates roads, worsens the already busy traffic and last but not least increases dustiness and noise levels. They are looking for new ways as to how to relieve Prague traffic. There is the option of using the Vltava River, which runs through the city centre, in order to supply the city with building materials. The two concrete mixing plants situated in Prague‘s centre, which maximally utilize shipping transport for their supplies due to their ports on Vltava riverbanks, can set the example.

Building plans for road infrastructure

New apartments, administrative buildings, parking buildings, schools and other buildings of civic amenities are continued being built in the capital. In the city centre there are many brownfields intended for development. They are also planning massive investment in the road infrastructure in the city. The key is to complete the inner ring road running from the northern opening of the Blanka tunnel through Balabenka and Jarov all the way to Průmyslová Street and then the interconnection of the Rozvadov junction (beginning of the D5 motorway) with the ring road at Zlíchov, connection of Ruzyně Airport, the D route underground, reconstruction of the Libeň Bridge and construction of the new bridge Holešovice – Karlín

Mostly utilised building material

A basic commodity that is being used in the construction of large infrastructure projects is concrete, which is produced in concrete mixing plants that need to be situated as close as possible to the construction site so that the material can be delivered to the construction site fresh, before it starts to harden. Concrete comprises four main materials – aggregate, cement, additives and water. Some 80% of the total volume of the concrete comprises aggregate and sand, are brought from stone and sand quarries north of Prague. Most of Prague’s concrete mixing plants is supplied via lorries. One lorry brings approximately 30 tons of aggregate. If we take into consideration specialists’ estimates that the necessary amount of concrete a year will be more than 1 million cubic metres, the amount of aggregate necessary to be delivered every year is about 2 million tons, which corresponds to more than 60,000 lorries.

How to replace thousands of lorries a year?

There is a way to reduce this number of lorries considerably. We can find inspiration in Vienna, Hamburg, London, Brussels or Paris, where they have been utilizing the river for city supplies for many years. Prague does not lag behind there either. There are two modern concrete mixing plants that have been utilizing river transportation for years situated in the city centre on the banks of the Vltava River. The concrete mixing plant Rohanský ostrov and concrete mixing plant Libeň are modern ecological operations, which meet strict environmental management criteria ISO 14001 and have a port for ship transport. Up to 80% of all material, which is necessary for concrete production, is shipped. One ship replaces 33 lorries. With current production, the two concrete mixing plants deliver almost 400,000 tons of aggregate, which relieves the capital of 13,000 lorries every year. Due to the increased requirement for concrete, it is necessary to relieve the city of up to 20,000 lorries a year, that is approximately one third of the total amount of aggregate delivered to Prague. During the existence period of these two concrete mixing plants, Prague has already been relieved of more than 250,000 lorries. Concrete from these operations was utilised during the construction of almost all important constructions in Prague: all stages of Prague underground, Blanka, Strahovský and Zlíchov tunnels, railway tunnels of Nové spojení, Trojský Bridge as well as the National Technical Library and recently also the New Water Line ÚČOV, etc.

Vltava – the largest motorway in Prague

River shipping to the city centre represents the future of a better environment in Prague. Inspiration can be found in Paris, where modern concrete mixing plants and trans-shipment points are situated directly on the Seine riverbank, within a view of the Eiffel Tower, just next to offices and residential buildings, well incorporated within their surroundings. Futuristic design features often hide the industrial operation and its unsightly parts. Prague also deserves a similar solution. The two concrete mixing plants are already carefully placed within their surroundings: the Rohanský Plant operation is concealed from passer-byes behind a green bank and the Libeň concrete mixing plant is interconnected with the river with an underground collector. That makes the whole strip along the Vltava River available for leisure activities. There are projects as to how to incorporate the two concrete mixing plants within their neighbourhood. The credo of TBG METROSTAV concrete mixing plants is to produce a greener concrete for Prague as possible.


Karlin Port Real Estate acquired premium residential project

Karlin Port Real Estate announced that it has completed the purchase of Výhledy Košík, a premium residential project that will grow in Hostivař, one of Prague’s greenest districts.


Thgether with experienced investor and developer Mr. Jan Dvořák, with unique experience in revitalization of Letňany locality and a few outside of Prague projects, Karlin Port RE is aiming to offer to the market another architectural jewel that will enrich Prague real estate market. Výhledy Košík will comprise of nearly 220 apartments, several retail premises, and a spacious underground parking area. It will participate in the current development of Hostivař, a family-oriented neighbourhood of Prague surrounded by nature parks and forests.

“To make sure Výhledy Košík becomes an integral part of the Karlin Port Real Estate portfolio, we have approached seven renowned Czech architects. Their task is to infuse Výhledy Košík with elegance, sophistication, and modernity, which are, along with the highest quality of construction and used materials, the fundamental pillars of our company,” says Milorad Mišković, a co-owner of Karlin Port Real Estate. The architectural design of Výhledy Košík came out of the competition with seven participants. The winner is the ADNS architects studio, which is now preparing documents for the building process. The acquisition marks a new era in the company’s history as it enters into a new quarter of Prague. So far, Karlin Port Real Estate has developed residential and commercial buildings e.g. in Holešovice, Karlín, Košíře or Vinohrady.

red / Visualization: ADNS Architekt

YIT turns the Meopta factory into modern housing

The exceptional building of the former factory Meopta in Košíře, Prague, awaits yet another part of its life stage. YIT started converting it into the Parvi Cibulka project with 149 original apartments of mostly loft type, which respect the building’s industrial past.


YIT do not make it a secret that they consider Parvi Cibulka the gem of their portfolio. “Never, not even for a moment, did we consider for Meopta to be demolished even though the building is not listed. This place situated in the middle of the villa development has great potential and that is why we planned to revitalize it and bestow it with new utilization from the very beginning. It will remain the dominant point of the whole location,” says Vladimír Dvořák, manager at YIT Stavo. The author of the architectural project is the renowned architect Jakub Cigler, who says: “With YIT we agreed that preserving the traditional building discloses the power and potential of the whole conversion. Parvi Cibulka basically comprises seven housing blocks in one row. Thanks to its central entrance with services located in its arcades however make it look like a residential palace. In the project we also partly stem from Finish and Nordic architecture, which will mostly be evident in the interiors combining natural materials with industrial features.”

Stylish housing in many variants

Parvi Cibulka is to include 149 modern, energy efficient and well-appointed apartments of different types and layouts. They all will pride themselves with amazing views of Prague or into the peaceful inner block with a park.

The total of 88 Gallery units is to offer stylish lofts with built-in gallery. The 28 Kreative apartments stem with their originality and can, in time, be changed to suit their occupants. They can, for instance, fit a family with children as they can fit the area with more galleries as required in years to come. Nine Duplex maisonettes characterise two storeys. If someone desires an airy one-story apartment, they will be happy with the nine Industrial units with ceiling heights of up to 3.5 metres. There are 15 one-storey Panorama apartments situated on top floors, which also include four entirely exceptional penthouses with glazed walls; they allow a perfect view of the whole metropolis. YIT has already built a show apartment within the factory premises for interested clients.

Own park and fitness

YIT is to maximally use original industrial features and historical premises – thus they are also to preserve its civil defence shelter where there will be cellar booths. Residents will also have the use of a new pram room, an area for bike and dog washing and a shared workroom. The former factory will, for instance, also offer a small fitness centre and café.

The Meopta building is situated within the vicinity of another of YIT’s project, Aalto Cibulka. Between the two buildings is a large green inner block, which the developer designed as a private enclosed park with a water feature intended only for residents. They can therefore enjoy a safe place for their children’s rollicking in a playground as well as for a peaceful place to sit down in. Directly in its neighbourhood is also the Cibulka forest park, which is suitable for walks as well as sports activities.

For more information see


Picnic on a terrace and a new food court in Eden

Based on research by various companies, behaviour of the Czech population has changed after this spring’s COVID-19 wave. People started using online shopping more and do so in all segments.


The situation is not easy for either, shopping centre owners, their tenants nor the individual shops. Everybody is struggling in one way or another due to a lower number of customers. Tesco Stores ČR a.s., on the other hand, took advantage of the forced closure of the Shopping Centre Eden for further modernization. They commenced a revitalization of their whole food court and renovated the outdoor terrace thus allowing for sitting outside from spring till autumn.

Comfort with an ecological approach

The Shopping Centre Eden, a favourite place for business meetings or dealing with quick services, offers new gadgets for everyone who need to charge their mobile or laptop and want to handle both work and private matters in a pleasant and quiet place. The new image fully reflects a broad spectre of centre’s visitors’ wishes and needs. The whole food court has undergone fundamental visual change having been fitted with new furniture and sockets for charging via classic cable or USB come as a matter of course. Tables are also fitted with practical hooks for bags and handbags. The offer for families with children has also been expanded considerably. The room for parents with infants is equipped with a washbasin and a microwave allowing them to heat food, though it is also popular with sportsmen who do their training at the Form Factory Fitness Centre in the afternoons.

Probably the most interesting and most attractive change has been done to the terrace situated on the north-west side of the building, above the square with a fountain. It was completely reconstructed and bestowed with a new image. The terrace invites one to sit down and organize a picnic in the early evening sun. Everything necessary for a picnic can be purchased at the Tesco hypermarket or in Delistore. The revitalization work is not over yet though. Modernization of the Café Collection café, including the seating area on the terrace, will be commenced at the beginning of September and reconstruction will also be carried out in individual food court operations. A new Punjubi food should, for instance, open in the middle of September.

Safety first

The shopping centre is seen as a place of cultural and social activities. It is a pulsating centre and a sought after location for various meetings. Local events are often of a social-wide character and come with exclusive topics. The centre makes sure visitors feel safe and constantly informs about the regulations which need to be adhered to in these difficult times. Stands with disinfection are placed by every entrance to the centre as well as throughout the food court and by toilets on all floors. The centre also constantly reminds of the necessity to adhere to hygienic regulations as well as the fact that every customer should keep a face mask on him/her as some shops only allow entrance with cover. Everyone can thus feel safe and secure in Eden – both visitors and staff.

For more information see


Hotel in Prague’s centre and a new neighbourhood on the outskirts

UBM Development Czechia is a development company which has operated in the Czech market for 27 years. The Czech branch of the significant Austrian developer UBM Development AG is not afraid to get down to non-traditional, large and complex projects.


We discussed the company’s activities with their Director, Josef Wiedermann.

Can you introduce UBM and its operation in the Czech market?

Our very first activity was the reconstruction of the neo-Baroque palace Darex situated at Wenceslas Square. Now we mainly attend to residence construction and also the construction of administrative buildings and hotels. We look for interesting projects for acquisition, in particular in the segment of residential housing. As for Prague, we currently have the realization of a total of 650 residential units ready. What comes as a distinct advantage is the fact that we are able to cover the whole development process ourselves. We, for instance, have our own experienced team of architects and civil engineers led by Helmut Berghofer who work for most of the countries we operate in. They prepare all levels of project documentation – from studies to interior design.

Where else are you active in Europe and in what way?

Apart from the Czech Republic, we also realize projects for leading European metropolises in Austria, Germany and Poland. We strategically focus on residential and administrative projects just as they do in our country. With more than 145 years of history, UBM is the only provider that covers the whole development process via their own resources, from initial planning to marketing and ultimate sale.

What Czech projects historically belong to those most successful?

It is difficult to select the most successful projects but if I was to speak of the largest then, it is, no doubt, the multifunctional project Anděl City at Smíchov, Prague, comprising 14 buildings within the complex of the former Tatra factory, which was constructed in three stages and changed the original appearance of Anděl at Smíchov. There we built two designer hotels, Angelo and Andel´s, the multiscreen cinema CineStar (at that time called Cinema) with underground garages with a capacity of 436 parking places, five administrative buildings, which used to house Czech branches of global giants such as Cetelem or Maersk. The whole project was completed with two residential buildings with 106 and 109 apartments and an apartment building that belongs to Andel´s Hotel. This location also offers our current luxurious residential project NEUGRAF, which is under construction. It comprises 177 apartments with communal terrace on the roof of the southern wing and a private wellness. The conversion of the historical building to the Le Palais Hotel also represented a special project and so does the present reconstruction of Cukrovarnický Palace at Senovážné Square, transforming it into the Hotel Andaz Prague, the top line of the Hyatt Hotels chain. It is, so far, also UBM’s biggest investment in the Czech Republic.

A large residential project is being built on the boundaries of Stodůlky and Řeporyje. How many apartments are you planning there and in what time horizon?

Arcus City is our new project situated in the south-west part of the city. It will be realized in three stages and will provide 284 residential units and 26 family houses. In June we commenced the pre-sale of the first stage, which comprises 100 units and is to be completed in 2023. Other stages are to follow in a relatively speedy sequence. The second stage will be put onto the market during next year. The first phase of the residential development offers two categories – Comfort and Penthouse. They both come with an above standard quality of all utilized materials, from wooden windows and floors to quality sanitary products and tiles.

What is typical of Arcus City? How does it differ from other projects in this location?

Arcus City, as its name suggests, will create a new compact complex of a large area, which includes housing in residential and family houses, commercial premises and a new bus stop. The complex of these is to provide residents with comprehensive self-contained comfort as well as a quick connection with Stodůlky underground station. The whole area also includes a large number of possibilities for relaxation and sports complemented with new greenery, even though there is a direct connection to Řepora open-air museum. Another significant difference lies in the quality of standards I have already mentioned, both in the residential units as well as building technology such as strengthened walls for better acoustic insulation.

Are you also accounting with the development of civic amenities and commercial premises?

Commercial premises will be situated in the centre of the project as a part of ground floors of residential buildings, which belong to the second stage. It is therefore to complete an imaginary square of all three stages.

Aren’t you worried about unpleasant traffic noise from Prague’s ring road?

The architectural project is executed ingeniously into an arch shape so the buildings are distributed in such a way that they are enclosed. Windows face the inner block or enjoy a south or south-easterly view of Řeporyje and Zbuzany. Jeremiášova and Poncarova Streets therefore remain at the back of the residents.

Are you planning any measures regarding this?

Apart from the concept of building as such, we are also to strengthen the green strip that leads to Poncarova Street, which already partly separates them and with regards to the naturally rippled terrain, which is several metres higher by the road, we consider it totally sufficient.


DOCK IN: Where work, comfort and nature complement one another

The administrative district DOCK IN is being constructed on the boundary of two worlds – the pulsating centre of the metropolis and the peaceful environment of a park alongside a river. It combines modern administrative premises, perfect background facilities, easy accessibility – and most of all direct contact with nature.


DOCK IN is the synonym of a modern administrative centre within the centre of the metropolis. It is a part of the residential and commercial campus DOCK by the development group Crestyl and is situated on the boundary of Prague’s Libeň, Karlín and Holešovice, near the Palmovka underground station. In spite of the peaceful environment, it also offers excellent connections either by car or public transport, this being due to the nearby tram stops and an underground stop – the journey to Prague’s centre will therefore take just a few minutes.




Completely finished next year

The administrative part of DOCK IN is divided into several stages. The first three already completed stages are leased. The building DOCK IN FOUR is to be completed before the summer and is also almost fully leased and work on the last stage DOCK IN FIVE has already been commenced. Completion of this building, which will crown the development of the whole new Dock district, is scheduled for the end of next year. DOCK IN FIVE will offer almost 25,000 sq m of administrative premises and retail premises. Nevertheless, the suitable location and large work premises are not the only feature that DOCK IN stands out for amongst other projects.


Facilities will support productivity

Productivity is not only influenced by more and more advanced technologies but also by the comfort of those who operate them. And large companies have already realized that only a comfortable chair or automatic coffee machine will just not do in order to provide employees with the comfort they require. That is why DOCK IN offers versatile facilities that meet employees’ comprehensive requirements for comfort. The complex also comes with several restaurants, a café, fitness centre and the DOCK-IN-JOY concept where one can hire paddleboards, paddle boats and motorboats and will now also attend to yachting. The complex also includes outdoor fitness features.

Nearby, there is a golf driving range and tennis courts and the whole complex is surrounded by a tartan running track, which connect to the city cycleways. Crestyl also accounts with the opening of a nursery school, hairdresser’s and other particularly useful premises and the whole concept will provide wireless connection and the possibility to charge a computer or mobile with ease. It means that DOCK IN combines a modern working environment with the comforts that many people only associate with home. Imaginary deletion of these boundaries therefore provides companies with a tremendous potential for increased productivity. Moreover, the adjacent location of Palmovka offers comprehensive civic amenities – schools, sports grounds, medical facilities, post office, theatre, shops and restaurants.

Nature at hand

The DOCK IN project is characteristic for being set in a green environment amongst water features. A stream of vegetation flows down tiered terraces of buildings, being connected directly to greenery that leads to a one-hectare central park. The buildings therefore don’t create the impression of a concrete box that would disturb the relief of the landscape but blend in harmony. The complex also has a marina, offering the possibility of relaxing directly on the river’s banks.

Nature is not only included in the project physically but also penetrates to its soul. All the buildings are designed in accordance with the international criteria of the programme of long-term sustainable projects, LEED Gold. Charging stations for e-cars and e-bikes, economical lighting as well as rain sensors that allow water management during the irrigation of outdoor greenery come as a matter of course and rainwater tanks are also utilised. DOCK IN thus represents a project that is friendly to the human mind as well as the environment.

Interest from global companies

DOCK IN has already attracted many significant companies such as Saint-Gobain, Dáme jídlo, BNP Paribas Cardif Pojišťovna, ASSA ABLOY, Lego Trading, Publicis, Henkel and Hornbach and others continue coming. “The interest in DOCK IN confirms that we have also managed to create a modern administrative centre with a really pleasant working environment situated near the metropolis’ centre. Thanks to the offices being situated within the immediate vicinity of the apartments, the area remains lively and the overall unique atmosphere is also emphasised by the abundance of greenery and the adjacent river,” says Omar Koleilat, managing director at Crestyl Group.

