Economical solution for carpark management

GREEN Center has a broad portfolio of technologies for carpark management, which includes sophisticated online systems and autonomous solutions. And that is what is very popular amongst customers due to its easy use and possibilities for future expansion.

Parking system GPE4P Economy represents an economically advantageous parking solution for simpler projects with one or more entrances and one exit. The system provides basic security for the premises and effective operation of the whole carpark.

Easy installation and operation

The GPE4P line underwent significant design and technology changes that provide customers with higher usable value whilst retaining a positive purchase price for the product. Thanks to an attractive design, the parking system can become visually interesting and functional equipment for carparks. The utilization of modern technologies and overall quality of realization guarantee high reliability and long lifespan of the system.

The advantage of the GPE4P parking system is in an entirely autonomous operation, which doesn’t require any permanent connection to a superior control server. The individual components are independent of one another and have no need to be interconnected with communication cables, which allows for the achieving of significant financial savings. Installation is really fast and simple – the system is prepared for direct operation only once the components are connected to a power supply. The accuracy of information between the individual components of the system (entry and exit terminals and automatic pay station) is secured by printed parking tickets with a bar code, which has two advantages: First, the material used by the information media is, in comparison with other types of media, less demanding financially and can efficiently reduce the common operational costs of the carpark; second, the bar code technology secures high operational reliability and system security. The solution developed for the remote control of the parking system allows for comfortable surveillance of the condition of the individual equipment and setting of certain functions simply via the application. The system also includes reports from action in a particular place.

A superior advantage of the system is the possibility of a simple upgrade to a fully-fledged online system. Only a few slight modifications (complementing the system with a server computer, interconnecting the individual components, updating of the software) can provide operators with all necessary advantages and advanced functions and possibilities the online system offers.

Utilization in both the private and public sector

The parking system allows one to choose different price tariffs and therefore to adjust the level of parking to the carpark operator’s pricing policy.

Based on the set tariff, the system provides a fully automated choice of parking fees. That can help to efficiently prevent financial losses caused by dishonest individuals involved with the collection of money. Human error is minimised as only authorized persons can come into contact with collected cash. Other employees only secure operative issues of a user and/or operational character, for instance the changing of till roles used for printing parking tickets and receipts.

The parking system was developed with consideration to the needs and requirements of operators of smaller carparks. “We were developing the parking system in co-operation with several operators of small carparks with a limited capacity. Based on their comments, we had to adjust the original concept a few times. The result should, however, be a product that would satisfy the overwhelming majority of our partners from both the public and private sectors. Thanks to its properties and functions, you can find it being used in corporate carparks, accommodational establishments, supermarkets, sports centres, cultural establishments, tourist attraction and monuments,” says Tomáš Zdobnický, technical manager at GREEN Center, one of the initiators for the development of the new parking centre.


Casua still optimistic 30 years later on

By the end of next year, it will be 30 years since CASUA was entered in the Register of Companies. Nevertheless, the real co-operation between Oleg Haman and Aleš Poděbrad commenced a bit earlier, on 1st July 1990. That means that this year is also a jubilee one.

The company has, over the years of existence of the architectural and planning office, expanded – from a two-member consortium to a limited company for which 70 architects and civil engineers work.

So, you had a reason to celebrate all year…

AP: We have actually been celebrating the whole 30 years… De facto, we started before 1st July 1990 when we both left our jobs – Oleg from Karel Prager’s studio and me from Karel Koutský studio. We both each came with a contract. I needed an architect and Oleg needed a civil engineer. So, we sat down together and started designing claiming that we had gained our freedom and could decide for ourselves. We enjoy freedom with regards to the choice of commission, clients and work. Starting with the 90s, we commenced drawing something that was later stratified. Both work and people were piling up (we didn’t look for it). We really enjoyed the work we did during those 30 years and we enjoy it still.

Can you remember the first procurements?

OH: Aleš was supposed to do the first BMW showroom in Průběžná in Prague 10. When I was leaving Karel Prager, there was a condition upon my leaving: to secure the project for the completion of the primary school Jitřní in Prague 4. So, we both needed to finish our commissions. One was looking for an architect and the other for a civil engineer. We knew each other so we had already started working together some time in March 1990. The name CASUA had already originated then.

What does CASUA actually mean?

AP: We didn’t know what to come up with so the name emerged abbreviated from the Consortium of Architectural Building and Urban Studios. And as Coca Cola was better than Kofola, we turned Kasua into Casua.

It sounds quite exotic…

OH: We knew we couldn’t put full stops there as we wouldn’t be able to register it as an abbreviation, but in the world today, it is possible to register a name but it cannot have a geographical significance and this was not the case. And also, we also found it pleasant from a phonetic point of view.

What was your mutual vision for the future after the first projects you had realized?

AP: I will try to sum it up from my point of view. The two of us complement one another quite well: firstly, we are both different from a character point of view and secondly, we both have our own profession. Our aim was to produce pleasant architecture, bring it to the building stage and ideally be present at the construction. This took the first five to six years until a turning point on my side. In 1996, we started talking with our client about a commission and a year later we concluded contracts for a project in Prague 10, Na Vinici. That really made us shift. We worked on it from the stabilization of the outline plan (there used to be white places in the outline plan then) up to 2004, that being the last final building approval. This project educated us professionally resulting in the expansion of our studio. Then we said that the company wouldn’t have more than 25 people. When we got the procurement, we made the first mistake in our professional life as architects and planning engineers as we focused on one client and didn’t deal with other commissions. We had a lot of work at that time and didn’t have time to think of the future – what was going to happen once the client built it. So, sometime around 2000, we were a little stressed and started expanding our client portfolio in order to always have a principal procurement and some smaller ones to go with it. From a personal point of view, the years between 1996 and 2000 were crucial for me with regards to the growth of the company.

Let’s get to current projects. You participated in the tender for the hospital in Zlín. What else is, figuratively speaking, on your desk?

OH: We won a public business tender in Zlín for a new regional hospital as a member of an association of four entities. Such large procurements always need some sort of co-operation. We were, in this case, the guarantor of the BIM structure, co-ordination of the project and consequently we guaranteed about half the buildings there. More or less, we went through all appeals, confirmations from the Office for the Protection of Competition. We won, which we are proud of, but the political situation has changed and we are awaiting the signing of the work contract. Building a hospital on green land is something you don’t see every day. What is absurd is that they have a shortage of beds in Zlín due to the epidemic and Covid patients are being transported to Brno. So, everything that is going on is just politics…

How were you better in the tender than your competition?

AP: The assignment of the project for the hospital stated the use of BIM. Our advantage was, that in 2004, without having an idea what it was actually about, we had one IT visionary in our company and he brought to our attention the fact that there is software, which can design in 3D. And we bought 27 licences then. We started designing with this software and now, 16 years later, we are able to harvest the fruits of our work where architecture unites technology and information in a model. They are procurements that originated thanks to the fact that we started working this way. That is why we can do projects such as the one for Zlín Hospital or the Bořislavka project. We are working on this with the Aulík Fišer architekti studio. As planning engineers, we are working on the Bořislavka project for KKCG in BIM.

Let’s get back to the issue of your studio’s specialization…

AP: Classically we emerged as an architect and civil engineer – and as we kept gradually expanding the studio, there are about 70 of us there now. We have a particular number of architects and a particular number of civil engineers. They all design on computers with full licences. The architects come up with projects and we draw them. We also accept service procurements, which means that we work for clients and companies who have their own architects.

What projects have you recently realized?

OH: This year, we completed Waltrovka North, a residential complex, including family houses. The residential Project Karlínské dvory II, an interesting project situated between Křižíkova and Sokolovská Streets underwent final building approval and one project in Stodůlky changed hands and we redesigned it completely. This year, we participated in many tenders and with 70 people in our studio we also have many smaller procurements where some are successful and some are not. Which can also happen when a developer is unsuccessful. We, for instance, designed the reconstruction and conversion of a prison building in Mladá Boleslav, turning it into a new centre with a high dominant point. The project is simply lying fallow, but not because of us. So, sometimes we also face frustration that something is not working out, but everyone goes through that. We must be strong and keep going and be able to bear these losses that we experience along the way.

What do you expect in a short-term horizon?

AP: I would stem from this year as what happened at the beginning of the year, February – March – April, because Covid has shaken the projects. They were delayed, some large developers even terminated work and apart from one came back into operation a few months later yet again.

What type of project was mostly affected?

AP: Residential projects as well as one administrative one, which were launched this September. Apart from that we worked on other contracted procurements, so, this year looks better than last year for us. We are slowly growing upwards. And our plan for next year? We always prepare that in advance and stem from tenders we had won or procurements contracted with clients over the long term. Or they are projects that have been agreed upon but are not secured by a contract yet. That means that the prospect outlook for next year still looks positive, whether in our authorial projects or in service activities. We hope that we can succeed in some big tender where we get to the final round. We are currently careful optimists.

Will you mainly focus on residential projects?

OH: There is generally a shortage of apartments. Apart from the large complexes, there are many smaller items whereby the city structure is being completed by construction in gap sites, some buildings are being demolished, others built… all this has always been here and always will be here. The question is what housing quality is to be like. Many developers first have an analysis done and only then do they make decisions. I don’t think we have to worry that we wouldn’t have work in residential projects, providing nothing fundamental occurs.

Your projects don’t only apply to Prague…

OH: Zlín proves that. We also have some smaller projects outside Prague and in Slovakia but not a large project like the project of Bratislava airport as we did in the past.

The CASUA studio is involved in a number of foundations and professional organizations. You also often take part in trade fairs and not only in the Czech Republic…

OH: In 2007, we received an offer to become a member of the Equator Europe Architects network, which included some 13 studios from 13 countries. We accepted that offer. We saw sense in that co-operation; one of the main moments is the fact that we participate in trade fairs, for instance MIPIM in Cannes, together. We are basically the only Czech studio with our own – though small – stand. The 2008 crisis naturally saw a depletion of companies from Western Europe so some studios don’t exist anymore or have withdrawn. This resulted in the reduced size of Equator. Now, it is mainly dominated by Scandinavian countries and us. Surprisingly, all countries that play hockey – with headquarters in Stockholm. What is interesting is the fact that Swedish Equator Stockholm is a member of the Swedish Green Building Council, ie. a recognized leading institute in the world of permanent sustainability – and we have the opportunity to draw on the latest knowledge from them. The fact that local developers are not that interested in such knowledge, or at least making it seem like that, is another issue. Nevertheless, this gives us access to very valuable information. We are also a member of the Czech Green Building Council and the Czech-Israeli Mutual Chamber of Commerce. When looking for an opportunity as to how to contribute to charitable purposes, we picked what attracted our attention – the Arnošt Lustig Award for courage, bravery, humanity and justice. The condition allowing for the support of this award was the entry to the Czech-Israeli Mutual Chamber of Commerce where we found that it works very well and that members include many skilful people and is also interesting for us from a business point of view. Which means everything fits in nicely.

Arnošt Wagner / Photo: Casua archive

What will happen now with road infrastructure and bridges

The quality of transport infrastructure in the Czech Republic belongs, according to the report by the World Economic Forum, among the worst in the EU. Nevertheless, its development plays a key role in the development of the state economy.

That is why the National Investment Plan for 2020–50 registers investment requirements of CZK 6 billion for the department of the ministry of transport. That is 77% of the whole plan, which would require about a doubling of the current level of departmental investment. It is evident that this amount considerably exceeds the possibilities of public investment in the Czech Republic and it is probably unrealistic to find financial sources to such an extent. The road network forms one strategic complex and it is necessary to plan its development and maintenance as that, regardless whether it is under state, regional or municipal administration.

Maintenance needs investment

The transport department also has a task to develop the so called smart transport system, that is to equip the transport infrastructure and vehicles with modern technologies, which are to increase transport safety significantly, contribute to the continuity of transport, improve quality of the provided service and support alternative fuel powered vehicles (the so called clean mobility). Everyone can see more dense traffic on our roads and motorways, overloaded railway services on suburban lines and full carparks on the outskirts of the capital. Apart from the expansion and quality improvement of the network of spinal roads and motorways, the priority in the Czech Republic is also to attend to the intensive modernization of railway infrastructure and construction of new high-speed lines in a trans-European network. The condition of bridges often decides about the quality and functionality of the individual sections of the network.

In the Czech Republic, a sophisticated system of registration and management of bridges was introduced, which  is based on legal regulations and technical  standards. Nevertheless, the main problem is in the lack of stably allocated financial resources for bridge administration, maintenance and rehabilitation, which should be linked to the value of transport infrastructure within the administration of the individual owners. It is necessary to expect average costs in the amount of a 2% per year of the original investment updated with annual inflation. That means that within 100 years of the planned lifespan of bridges, it is necessary to spend twice the original investment costs for their construction. This area has been considerably underestimated in the long term and the condition of bridges, especially those in regional and municipal administration, keeps getting worse and worse. Nevertheless, road infrastructure will still be expanded considerably. The table states the share of bridges in bad, very bad and emergency conditions, whose load-bearing capacity is reduced by 40, 60 and 80%.

Shortage of specialists

Another problem lies in shortage of human resources. Up to one third of professionally qualified staff  have been lacking over the long term. This can be due to the salary situation in state administration, high level of responsibility and considerable requirements with regards to technical education and experience as well as a shortage of civil engineers in the labour market and a declining interest in studying civil engineering at university.

Part of the construction industry financed from public resources might  have a stabilizing effect in times of crisis – this opportunity should not be missed. The Czech construction industry has an approximately 8% share in total gross added value; it is comparable with the European level and with a multiplication effect of 3.5, the building industry has a big influence on domestic production. Following the last economic crisis after 2009, the construction industry was the one to take longest time to recover from the crisis again. One of the most important conditions for positive development of construction industry is the long-term stability of public investments. The public sector acquires the majority of works from private contractors. The private sector needs the existence of a long-term investment strategy and financing in order to plan their capacities and investment effectively for at least five years ahead. Education, research and development in this area also urgently needs a counter-cyclical policy for public investment.

Qualitative criteria are not a priority

This year, there are obviously enough funds for the preparation and implementation of structures. The question is whether they can be used meaningfully. Recodification of the building law will perhaps be completed next year before election but the professional public is already doubtful that this will contribute significantly to the speeding up of the process of building permit granting. What is more important for transport, water, energy and telecommunication infrastructure is the change to Act No. 416, which is to come to force at the beginning of 2021.

Nevertheless, there are many examples that demonstrate ineffective financial management. I will state at least two. Planning engineers are still selected on the basis of the lowest bid price whereas qualitative criteria are secondary. Providing a design is not optimal for a particular  structure, the contractor has virtually no possibility, within the present system, to submit a successful proposal for a significant variation that would lead to the improvement of construction. This concept is based on the European Directive 2014/24/EU and the judicature of the Court of Justice of the European Union. A year ago, the State Fund of Transport Infrastructure did publish the Methodology for construction improvements, which allows one to proceed in compliance with the international contract conditions of the FIDIC, but it hasn’t been applied in practice yet. It is still complicated from an administrative, legal and time point of view. In the past, proposals for construction improvement were, however, commonly implemented and it was possible to submit them in the phase of a contractor’s submission of a bid. Quality proposal could save costs and speed up construction.

Offering versus final price

Architectural design competitions allows for a choice of aesthetic, layout, functional and structural solutions of a required structure from many variants with a well-balanced construction price and design quality ratio. In the case of significant bridges and footbridges, they could be utilized more often then. Nevertheless, a result of architectural competitions for bridges often evokes great hesitation in the Czech Republic and the culture of tenders for a proposal lags behind other European countries. The problem lies in the competition’s terms and conditions, which are formulated for the engineering structures only by the Czech Chamber of Architects without any relevant share from the Czech Chamber of Authorized Engineers and Technicians in Construction. In 2013, the International Association for Bridges and Structural Engineering issued a regulation for competitions for bridge design, which specifies that at least half of the members of the committee were bridge engineers. In our country, half of a ten-member jury usually covers architects, another half politicians, and one or two members are structural engineers. No wonder that selected designs are perhaps exclusive but difficult for implementation and also very expensive. The situation, when the winning price of the works  is a multiple of the price anticipated in the architectural competition or when contractors are not found is not an exception. If the original price estimate does not work out, it is sometimes possible to obtain grants.

In our system, political and legal reasons unfortunately take priority over technical and financial ones. The complexity of the building law and the considerably limited possibility of enforcing it during approval processes is partly the result of the fragmentation of competences amongst the individual ministries, where there is no conformity in the systematic approach to the recodification of public building law. Another problem is the process of assigning public procurements and its consequent checking; in the real world, it should use market consultations and competitive dialogues with a professional public more often, especially in infrastructure projects. The Design & Build assigning system should also be used more for technically demanding engineering structures.

The Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, the Railway Administration and the Road and Motorways Directorate attempt to deal with the aforementioned issues but it is not a society-wide priority yet. Hard to believe that more bridge failures are expected.

Ing. Milan Kalný

Market predictability is essential

The Czech development group CRESTYL is one of the market leaders in building multi-purpose projects – residential, commercial and office real estate.

We spoke with Viktor Peška, Chief Commercial Officer at Crestyl, not only about how a successful developer is doing in these turbulent times but how much the real estate market has changed in 2020.

We meet at a time where people plan and life changes. At a time that mainly encourages one to balance things. What were your plans and expectations for Crestyl in 2020?

With regards to the fact that our business is built on three pillars, this issue needs to be addressed on three levels. From the perspective of the residential market, we planned to develop one already running project and commence the construction of two new projects. We planned to sell the remaining units at the Berounská Brána and Marina Boulevard projects. In the segment of lease of office space, we planned to complete the lease of the remaining premises in the DOCK IN FOUR building and start construction of the last stage in the DOCK IN complex – the DOCK IN FIVE building. As for retail projects, our plans were clearly focused on the successful pre-lease and lease of retail units in the NR7 and Savarin projects and in the Dornych project in Brno.

That sounds like a lot of work and investment. To what extent do your plans meet with reality?

In the residential segment, we initially experienced a temporary slowdown, but it really only shortly overawed us. Demand soon returned, but we suspected a change in clients’ priorities. The project in Vysoký Újezd, where we offer houses with gardens and plots, is experiencing a boom and there is also interest in luxury real estate in the Šárecký dvůr and Marina Boulevard projects; in both cases we are talking about apartments with larger layouts. This part of our activities went very well. I must admit that at the end of the summer, we reached sales numbers as planned and expected. What, however, slowed us down was the more complex financing negotiations. Discussions with banks are longer and more complicated. This factor is also reflected in the other two segments. With regards to the construction of offices, we were forced to postpone the start of construction of DOCK IN FIVE by several months due to Covid-19. The interest in administrative premises is generally smaller, but there is still great interest in new offices in DOCK IN. But the retail market shuffled its cards quite significantly. Despite all unforeseen events, we managed to complete the sale of the Central Kladno shopping centre, which is an incredible success. It should be noted that negotiations began before the coronavirus crisis and ended successfully after the first wave.

You mentioned that there is still a lot of interest in the DOCK IN FIVE project. What is its added value at a time when office rental costs are more of a burden for employers?

Its biggest advantage is, undoubtedly, the fact that construction is at the very end. The project is almost completed and apart from the infrastructure of shops and services, the DOCK IN location also provides a park and facilities for sports activities. The second important argument that plays into our hands is the dispositions. As one of the few, we are able to offer large areas on one floor. We are talking about A class offices, with the offer of which we target large and corporate companies.

What are your expectations in the coming months?

In months to come, we expect a certain slowdown in negotiations and agreements, as well as a growing interest in both luxury real estate and land.

Will you offer any new services or a new type of business in connection with this?

For us, the business model basically remains unchanged. We don’t belong amongst those developers who would minimize space and maximize profits. We have always had 10–15% larger apartments and higher standards. We believe that people will continue to demand larger apartments with terraces and/or gardens. In our case, it is not about adaptation to the situation or trend, but one of our main principles, with which we work on projects quite naturally. Worth mentioning is also the fact that after the successful and speedy sale of 32 family houses in Vysoký Újezd, we are launching a follow-up project with 54 spacious family houses and bungalows. As for the business and office unit projects, we look at developments over a longer period of four to five years. And we believe that at that time we will live completely normally again, without any major restrictions.

We talked about the residential and administrative markets, so, let’s move on to retail units. You are ahead of construction of, in many ways, truly exceptional and at the same time investment-intensive projects. What are the prospects?

The market will change considerably, not only next year, but especially within the horizon of the next few years. Standard sales will move more to online platforms and customers will expect much more from brick and mortar stores. Good traders will be forced to offer not only goods and services. It will be a game with emotions of experience and fun. We assume that stores will primarily turn into showrooms or concept stores and will perform a different function than before. This change will, of course, also affect the so far exclusive online retailers who will want to build a physical presence. The store will not serve a priori as a place where people leave with shopping bags. It will also serve as an exhibition and presentation of brands and companies. Having such premises will be a matter of prestige. The second trend that can be expected will be the emergence of multi-brand stores. Multi-branded retailers that still sell through separate retail units will more often go for a multi-brand showroom where they would sell more brands in one place, under a single identity. We, as a retail developer, must meet them halfway and build not shopping, but multi-purpose community centres, where a clearly defined purpose, public space and curation is to play a crucial role in shaping the destination. There will always be a very limited number of such places, and therefore will always be of interest among traders and tenants.

As a leader in the real estate market, you don’t need to worry about talking openly about opportunities these times offer…

What is being discussed a lot is the development of residential projects for rent. West of the Czech Republic, this form of business works quite well. It certainly has interesting potential in our country but we are not considering this business model in the near future. We still see real possibilities in multifunctional projects, which offer housing and premises for work and relaxation in one place. This helps the developer to increase the level and quality in a particular place much more as he is be able to invest in the surrounding infrastructure in co-operation with local administration and associations. As for the administrative and retail segments, emphasis will be put on the construction level, gadgets and technologies that were previously considered ‘nice to have’. Now they will become a matter of course.

Is there anything you would like to wish the development market and developers for 2021?

I wish everyone a more transparent future. At least to the extent where we can plan with more accuracy and security. This also applies to the building law and regulations.


The labour market has changed dynamically

Centra a.s. provides comprehensive services in property management – from cleaning through greenery maintenance, transport and real estate services to engineering and investment activities and facility management.

We asked the Operations Director of Centra a.s., Ing. Jan Fichtner, Ph.D., what the year 2020 was like.

How do you assess this rather atypical year from Centra’s point of view?

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly hit the operation of our company. With regards to the portfolio of services we provide, the impacts of the pandemics can be divided into two groups by fields of activities. The first big group covers the area of administration. We had to take on new measures and change the management system for administrative staff in order to ensure the continuity of the company’s operation. We have implemented preventive protective measures for our employees, equipped them with disinfectant material and protective aids. At the same time, we divided the teams and introduced home office where possible. Online teleconferences, document sharing, established electronic systems and other measures confirmed to us, during the pandemic, that we are able to provide our clients with services even in such a state of emergency. The second group is the area of ‘production’, that is the direct manual output. If there were no workers’ professions, then administration would be useless. We very much appreciate the cleaning staff, security guards, gardeners, drivers, electricians, etc., who could not ‘hide away’ in a home office during the pandemic and continued coming to work in times of increased emergency and desolate streets, thus not only supporting our company but contributing to the operation of municipal services.

You provide various services specializing mainly in facility management and real estate activities. Which field is doing best?

In general, the best performing fields are those that benefit from the current boom in construction production. That means divisions that provide design activities, investor construction supervision and related services, such as the principle element of our company – facility management. In this regard, we try to fully meet our customers’ requirements and the market and constantly improve the quality of services provided. We know that we still have shortcomings in some respects, but we are constantly working to eliminate them and provide our clients with maximum possible care.

Which fields were mostly influenced by the Covid pandemic and in which way?

We have noted a positive impact on the volume of provided services in the areas of hygiene, cleaning and disinfection. These are the services our clients order and we are able to respond to their requirements swiftly and at the same time to guarantee reasonable and competitive pricing. During the pandemic we have introduced, and currently dispose with, several kinds of new technologies in the area of disinfection and continue developing them. We believe that thoroughness and dutifulness represent the right way in the fight against negative economic impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has as well as the way to achieve the best results of co-operation between the client and provider of the services.

How did you have to change the cleaning regulations in the buildings you manage due to stricter hygienic and anti-epidemic measures?

As a result of anti-epidemic measures, our services are more demanding, both when performing cleaning and when it comes to using protective work aids. In some medical facilities, we perform cleaning directly in areas with patients with COVID-19, where we must follow strict and well-defined procedures in order to protect cleaning workers’ health. The frequency of cleaning, including the application of disinfection plans, has also increased significantly at individual workplaces. We offer clients a new service – disinfection of premises based on nanopolymer technology using the so-called foggers. We are also thinking about cleaning robotics. In the near future, we would like to implement this solution for fully autonomous cleaning of common areas, for example in Na Homolce Hospital.

There is a lot of talk today about redundancies in some sectors – and conversely about labour shortages in other sectors. What is your experience?

The mentioned situation corresponds with the nationwide situation. The labour market has changed dynamically vigorously in connection with the coronavirus crises. Some 34% of companies confirm the deep and serious impact of the crises. Surveys and analyses by recruitment agencies show a major impact on working conditions for more than 37% of people. On the other hand, 23% of large companies expect an increase in recruitment. There are two extremes. There is still a huge shortage of candidates for the positions of drivers, storemen, welders, electricians, locksmiths and masons. But hundreds of CVs come, for instance, for one advertisement for assistant administrative positions. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of laid off chefs, waiters, maids or saleswomen lack the essential – the capacity for new work. Companies are naturally interested in professionals. Unemployment is still kept low artificially by government allowances to employers within the Antivirus programme. Experts predict a more dynamic increase in the number of unemployed in the coming year, which will bring further changes in the labour market. And we can confirm the same experience in the field of recruitment. There are more people in the labour market, which is seemingly better for employers, but the quality does not always meet our requirements. Compared to the situation half a year ago, the interest in work is much greater. The current situation is much more difficult for recruiters with regards to selecting the candidates. On the one hand, a large number of candidates respond to any position offered. On the other hand, the relevance of the responses sent is debatable. We note that job seekers respond to all the positions we offer, whether it is an administrative, managerial or blue-collar position. As a humorous fact I can mention lorry driver’s, pilot’s, film director’s and cook’s respond to a management position. Despite the increased difficulty in selecting candidates, it is positive that we have a greater choice of job seekers than before the crisis. It also brought a certain settlement in the areas of wage and benefit requirements. Previously, applicants had exaggerated requirements. Now, job seekers are more aware that it is important not to focus only on benefits, but especially to work in a stable and financially sound company.

It is, of course, difficult to plan with the unclear development of the epidemic situation. Do you propose to set any goals for next year?

We face the challenges of modern times, such as electronic services, automatic document processing, software and mobile applications, communication and direct connection of customer requirements with our systems or archiving and easy online availability of all documents. And, of course, to expand the number of satisfied clients.

PR / photo: centra, a.s.

Penta isn’t afraid of urban planning tenders

The residential district of Waltrovka with the administrative buildings Aviatica, Dynamica and Mechanica, the administrative buildings Florentinum and Churchill – those are just some of the projects from Penta Real Estate’s portfolio in the Czech Republic.

Petr Palička, director of Penta Real Estate, briefly assessed the year 2020 for us.

The end of the year is approaching and with it a period of reviews. What was this year like for your company?

It was actually quite good. We managed to complete buildings that we planned – Maison Ořechovka, Churchill, and received a planning permit for Nusle Brewery whereby we approached commencement of the development. I believe we were doing quite well all year except for certain exceptions caused by the coronavirus.

To what extent did you have to change your plans due to the pandemic?

The coronavirus naturally has a negative influence. Firstly, spring brought an overall slowdown – the situation took us all by surprise, we weren’t used to working online, administrative processes stopped for a while and it took some time before everything got back to normality again. And then, the pandemic had a relatively significant influence on the administrative market as it was negotiations with new tenants that primarily slowed things down. The question is, how long will it take but it certainly did have an impact on this year’s results…

How are individual projects currently progressing?

The administrative building SmíchOFF is finished and represents a typical example of what I was talking about. We get quite a few interested clients who like the premises but hesitate with final decision. They don’t reject it but they say they cannot make any decisions at the moment… So far, we have about 40% of the building unoccupied – three storeys. Waltrovka – in the original location – is completed, all the apartments are sold and the only thing we still own there is the nursery school. We are currently negotiating its sale to the city district of Prague 5. We are preparing construction of Waltrovka III, an area situated between the completed part and ČSOB. We have a planning permit and the relocation of a sewage system and other ground work is currently in progress there. As for the Churchill building, we are negotiating a purchase with aclient and I believe that we will then conclude the transaction before the end of this year. We are building Maison Ořechovka; the first phase has undergone final building approval and the second should be completed in about half a year’s time. We have, so far, sold about 50% of the apartments. Another relatively interesting project with about one hundred apartments is the Victoria Palace project in Vítězné Square in Prague 6. We have already held aplanning permit for two years but it was opposed by alocal activist. The settlement is hopefully heading to the end and we will therefore be able to commence. Otherwise we are preparing different issues associated with Masaryčka and amongst others both architectural and urban tenders and competitions. We have plenty of work.

Projects in preparation also include the new district that is being developed in the brownfield of Nusle Brewery. At what phase is the preparation?

We have a planning permit for the northern part and the process for a building permit is in progress; as for the southern part – it is the one with a listed building and adjacent buildings – the process for a planning permit is in progress. The complex will comprise approximately 450apartments and some commercial premises – shops, cafés, services and perhaps also atypical offices. The construction is to proceed in two phases. The timing will depend on the sale. By the way, we have recently launched the sale of the first phase. The buildings should also be interesting from an architectural point of view. The northern part was prepared by the studio CHYBIK + KRISTOF, whilst the southern one, the one with the reconstructed historical building of the brewery, is by David Chisholm and CMC Architects.

You have recently announced that the original plans in the Masaryčka project will be changed. What are they to involve and how will to influence the overall image of the area?

There are certain specific modifications. When we nowadays speak of Masaryčka, we think of two buildings that should be built in Na Florenci Street. There we have a planning permit and have applied for a building permit. This project developed in accordance with various technical observations, possibly in accordance with the results of participation until they got to the stage for which the planning permit applies. A change of outline plan is subject to change in another part of the project and it is impossible to clearly predict as to what it will look like at the end. Moreover, we agreed with the council that a public international urban-architectural tender will be held within the framework of this change and we would like to announce this next January or February. This should lead to a solution for the rear part of the area, which is mostly situated in Prague 8. We will stem from aconcept, especially the transportation part, designed by Zaha Hadid. There, Imainly refer to the construction of asquare and roads situated on the boundary of Prague 1, 2, 3 and 8, which must reflect the current situation, whether it is about the ownership of the plots – part is owned by ČSAD, which is also building there, or the agreement with the council for a new development according to which there should be at least 40 % of apartments. This will, no doubt, also influence urbanism of the area.

You are also planning to announce the urban-architectural tender for the landscaping of the area between Havlíčkova, V celnici and Na Florenci Streets within the vicinity of a station building.

The aim is to complete this square, or rather the public area, so that it gives a pleasant impression. Many buildings are, however, clearly determined there, whether they are those existing ones, for instance underground exits, or those that need to be built there in accordance with aplanning permit. It is be an open tender, which will probably be announced before the end of this year. Anyone interested can enter.

In the past issue of Development News, we published an article by Tomáš Kadeřábek from the Association of Developers regarding development taxation. Do you have asuggestion as to how to allocate the money transparently so that it goes where necessary?

A methodology or recommendation for city districts on how developer’s contribution for development should be calculated is currently being prepared at Prague Council under the lead of architect Hlaváček. The methodology takes into account different aspects, for instance whether it is a location for which the outline plan presumes development or whether the outline plan has to be changed due to development. Deep discussions are held on this topic; individual city districts require different issues from the developers – requirements for square meterage, contribution, allowances for schools and nursery schools, infrastructure and others. Hardly anyone is aware of the fact that huge sums from taxes paid for residential development go towards public budgets. This is, for instance, done through VAT and with the present-day prices, it is basically CZK 1 million from every apartment. City districts also complain that building activities progress in their areas and that they have to invest in infrastructure, etc., but that they don’t get anything directly from development projects. And that is why they want developers to contribute to one thing or another. This arises the question as to whether it would be just to transfer part of the taxes collected back to the budget of the city district – or at least the city – and use these for costs that arise due to development activities. The only income that goes to the budget of a city district from development is currently the property tax, which is quite low in our country. Nevertheless, this is a matter that applies to the budget allocation of taxes, which is beyond the competence of the capital city.

What is the situation in Slovakia from this point of view? Is it similar?

Approximately two years ago, they introduced charges that stem from the overall area of newly built apartments. But that doesn’t solve the funding of infrastructure either. It is basically a new tax.

You have mentioned co-operation with the council. How does it proceed?

I would definitely like to acknowledge and appreciate the positive development at Prague Council with regards to politicians and office workers’ approach to our business. This is mainly evident from co-operation in the area of planning when dealing with individual changes or when organizing urban tenders. It is a transparent process, which leads to a particular result, though it does not eventually need to be positive for us. What is important is that things are developing and are not just stagnating, which is a significant change compared with previous administration. For instance, changes to the outline plan took too long or were not discussed at all. The council’s approach has changed considerably and they represent a respectable partner for discussion. We can only be pleased about that.


Slatina will be even greener

The Slatina complex in the largest industrial zone Černovická terasa, Brno, provides leases of commercial premises, especially offices, storage facilities and outdoor areas, including comprehensive services and facility backgrounds.

Now there are 12 rental buildings for administration, storage, light industry, retail and services. Nearby the D1 motorway, there is a carpark for approximately 1,100 cars, a petrol station and several smaller buildings. In total, there are some 23,000 sq m of offices, 16,000 sq m of warehouses and 36,000 sq m of outdoor areas leased. Ing. Luděk Beneš, a member of the Board of AREAL SLATINA, a.s., with whom we last spoke at the beginning of this year, answered our questions.

When we last met, nobody had the slightest idea that the economy would be slowed down by the COVID-19 pandemics. How did it influence your plans?

The existing building GREEN BUILDING (hereafter referred to as GB I) remains stably occupied, reaching, by 1st December, coincidentally 99.8% occupancy yet again. The second building GREEN BUILDING II (furthermore referred to as GB II) will undergo final building approval on 10th December. This does correspond with the original plan from September 2019 but the meeting of this deadline required, and still requires, using our team’s and supplier’s total strength. I must also point out a very forthcoming and flexible approach from the workers of the financing bank, Sberbank CZ, a.s. considering the fact that the completion of GB II was fully commenced this year, on 2nd March. The projects, co-ordination, financing, supply of equipment and work were all negotiated and agreed prior to this date. We did account with reserves in the schedule of the development but not with the coronavirus pandemic. What caused us most problems in the spring stage were delayed supplies of equipment from abroad. The building’s technically and technologically advanced level that depend on units and components from Finland, Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland and the USA delayed the schedule of the development. This time delay was biggest in May, arriving at a five-week delay. Thanks to increased contractor capacity, we managed to balance the schedule of the development but not completely. What was, however, encouraging was that all the supplies from abroad were here with us or at suppliers’ in the Czech Republic. When the second wave of the pandemic hit, it had a considerable influence on labour. As at the end of September, the construction is managed operatively, literally from day to day, according to the availability of the individual professions.

Did you consider stopping the construction or to postpone the final building approval?

It is certain that if the situation associated with the coronavirus epidemic required it, we would have no other option. Nevertheless, we have taken many organizational and material measures so that we didn’t have to stop or considerably restrict construction via the infection. But we did not discuss the ceasing of the construction or the postponing of the deadline.

Did clients’ requirements regarding the size or layout of the offices or common areas change due to the pandemic?

Yes, they did. There are no requirements for large open office areas. The layout and sizes negotiated last year changed due to the pandemic. The smaller open areas partitioned with screens, cupboards, partition walls and flowers turned into fully-fledged offices. The requirements for common relaxation areas also reduced considerably.

What development do you expect? They speak of the option that many companies will continue to place some or part of their employees (20–25%) to a home office…

We don’t arrive at these ideas with our clients, perhaps because our clients are often companies from the area of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, TZB, logistics and state administration institutions.

To what extent can the demands or requirements for space be changed operatively and to what extent are you prepared to do so?

Our buildings are designed in modules with practically the largest possible level of segmentation without the need to increase costs for safety, servicing, heating, cooling, air exchange, lighting, regulation, control and cabling. This excellent segmentation allows for the creation of individual 17-sq m units. So, we are prepared for it.

With regards to the unclear future of the administrative market: are you planning to continue designing buildings as administrative or is there also a possibility of another variant?

We haven’t dealt with this issue yet. We have contracts for the leasing of 62% of rental area in the GB II building, so there is still a lot of work awaiting us in the following period. It won’t be until years to come that we will see what the future of the administrative market is or isn’t. I believe that the trend will be rectified downwards but only within percentage units.

The Slatina Complex project became known to the public due to the broad utilization of ‘green technologies’. Nevertheless, the development progresses very fast. What do you think can still be improved?

Every solution or detail can still be improved. But if we are to remain in the level of economic return, then the varying of GB II from GB I brought us to the top of the reversal curve. With the minimalization of the overall carbon footprint, energy efficiency and water management and the current level of technology and their costs, it is impossible to achieve any further improvement. We see large reserves in the utilization of renewable resources in combination with energy storing. Under our conditions, it is mainly about locating solar panels above parking places or carports and about small vertical wind power stations. We have accounted with carports from the beginning but this unique solution has no support in comparison with other locations of photovoltaic panels.

Today’s clients are more demanding. They put more emphasis on particular bonuses. In the first building, you provided the tenants with further services via catering establishments and others. What can tenants of the new building expect?

There will be an extended range of services available for tenants from GB II, GB I and other premises, as well as visitors to the whole of the Slatina Complex. The number of public transport routes, which stop in front of the main entrance to the complex, was extended to eight lines. We responded to the increasing interest in online sales via Zásilkovna’s hand out place and an Alzabox. In January 2021, Tesco will open the grocery’s Žabka. A GP’s surgery and surgeries of specialist doctors and two cafes will be set up here during the first half of next year. One of the three main gastronomic operations, including an outdoor seating area with fast-food stand will be considerably expanded. We will also increase the number of charging stations for electric cars to six.

What is the situation with rental prices in Brno? Has there been some progress?

We naturally monitor the competition’s prices but we don’t know the exact price inclusive of all allowances and incentives. A significant aspect lies in location, realization, quality, transportation services and preferences. On our behalf I can confirm that A class administrative premises in our part of Brno do have clients. Our concept of buildings, which puts the emphasis on the quality of the interior environment, space variability, ecology, sufficient number of parking places and services will allow us to increase rental prices in GB II on average by 6% in comparison with GB I.

The impact of the first wave of the pandemic can be fully seen within the real estate market now. Is it possible to define the trends that will show up in months to come?

We can see that the administrative market froze. The market of office rents will not begin until the pandemic is supressed and the economy is fully functional. The situation will gradually return to normal. Home offices will play a more significant role in some segments but administrative work will continue being mainly done in offices. Working and social contact is important in order to achieve excellent team work results. Moreover, home offices require a certain type of environment and background which not every employee has.

The moving of Czechs into rental housing is a current trend. Isn’t it an opportunity for its development? How do you see the current situation?

Development of residential housing is very attractive these days. We are also considering complementing our portfolio with rental housing but we consider it a natural part of space where one lives, works and relaxes. Space for living.

Arnošt Wagner

LOXIA designed a stylish and functional town hall

Ing. arch. Jana Mastíková graduated, in 2012, from architecture and urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture at VUT in Brno. Since 2014, she has worked in the LOXIA studio where she worked her way up to the post of chief architect.

LOXIA has been in operation for a quarter of a century and their portfolio includes almost two hundred realizations of various types of projects, from family houses, housing blocks and polyfunctional buildings through reconstruction of historical buildings, construction of civic amenities to industrial and public premises.


LOXIA means a curve in Latin. For one thing, it sounds lovely but I also think that it bears a bit of a secret. A curve is something of grace and elegance from a freely drawn line yet it has a mathematical and logical justification. The name represents that which LOXIA tries for: thought-out, functioning yet free and creative architecture.

Can you briefly introduce the studio?

LOXIA comprises architects and engineers. There are 50 of us there. It is a functioning formation of creative and technically skilled people. We don’t only want to design buildings and look at nice visualisations. We primarily want to build. And this cannot be done without technical knowledge, without searching optimal solutions and sometimes without compromise. That means that the architects and engineers at LOXIA are some kind of joined hands that create architecture and construct buildings together.

Isn’t it sometimes a bit lively between the two parties?

I am an architect and the engineer is my partner, sometimes as opponent. We respect our field’s philosophy. Architects can be creative but there must still be some rational basis to it. And that is why we have engineers, in order not to let our imagination run riot, in order not to promise our clients, developers and investors some pipe dream instead of reality. We work for people who keep their feet on ground and who expect the same from us. We can have our heads in the clouds but there must be some connecting line between the clouds and the ground.

You install modern technologies in your projects. However, the economy is eventually what plays the main role. How do you manage to persuade the client which is the right direction?

With regards to the fact that the approval process usually takes between five to ten years in our country, we are already designing for the future. The technologies we now plan in our projects can be obsolete when it is completed. We, therefore, look at it from different points of view: We do have an investor and a client, but then there are people who are actually going to live or work in the building. If the investor wants to build cheaply, the maintenance and consequence upkeep will then be more costly. We are trying to find some balance between the two. Engineers make sure that the construction is optimal from a technical and economic point of view and we, the architects, make sure it fulfils the required function and can still be beautiful. Technology development progresses incredibly quickly. The projects that are nowadays being built were drawn up some 10 years ago when no one, for instance, expected such a boom in the field of electric cars. So, we are trying to retrospectively implement various smart solutions, equipment for the utilization of grey water, photovoltaic and others. The building is alive so we cannot just draw it now and then completely shut it away from new development. There are always new materials, new technologies, new economic conditions to come up with. There are many buildings that we designed as brick ones. However, it eventually needed to be redesigned, for instance from monolithic concrete, due to a lack of qualified labour. The process simply never ends.

With regards to lengthy approval processes, it is impossible to change some projects much, especially within the state and public sectors. Technologies installed there are already past their prime at the time of their final building approval. Isn’t that a shame?

Some projects are luckier than others. We, for instance, have one lucky one – the new town hall for Prague 12 – Modřany. The population of this Prague district is 60,000 people, just like Kladno or mostly where they have interesting town halls. It was an enormous task but it will really be a very lucky and happy building! Prague 12 tendered a design and build project, which prevented lengthy delays. We started working on the project at the end of 2016, now it is under construction and is to be inaugurated in April 2021. It is a miracle, because under Czech conditions, a building has to be built within five years! For me, it represents the symbol of a genuine public building, which is wonderful. Modřany is a very specific city district – on one side, there are villas and family houses and on the other side is a housing development. We were trying to create something that would somehow join the two different worlds together. We have managed to include all the attributes that the building of a town hall should have and act as its symbol. A clock, a tower, a gathering area, a ceremonial hall, an entrance hall across two storeys… We have managed to include all that within a relatively tight budget. The council of Prague 12 decided to build an austere, yet elegant, functional and a sort of monumental building and I think that it is a good thing.

Where do you see the genius?

I say the townhall comes with a tower but it’s actually not there. In the past, town halls had towers because the clocks needed to be visible from all directions. People didn’t wear watches and had to look out from their windows to see the time. We naturally have the clock but it is basically only indicated in a line that is to be lit – and the tower will thus stand out. I like that, putting such niceties into a project…

Can you mention other projects you are working on?

This year, we have achieved final building approval on the Chateau Troja project situated within the immediate vicinity of Troja chateau. The project comprises housing blocks, a mix of reconstruction and newly constructed buildings. It is the top standard housing where a new complex emerged within an area of a former lordly manner. Several buildings from the 17th century were preserved but were in a disastrous condition after the 2002 floods. LOXIA attended to this project over the long term, since 2007. The project got both planning and building permits and then actually ‘fell asleep’. When I joined the company in 2014, it was revived after the previous crisis. So, I spent a relatively long time with the project in the second half of its life. It is remarkable that someone mustered the courage to put both resources and time into it. And it is the reason why the preserved Baroque sights, where some needed to be completely taken apart and reassembled, are to remain here for future generations. But it would be impossible to only preserve the sights and not build anything new as the new partially finances the revitalization of the old. Another very nice housing project is in Smíchov, in the mouth of the railway bridge by Strakonická Street. The aim is to build a part of the street there. It is extremely interesting. Once again, we are under the scrutiny of conservationists as Smíchov is a protected heritage zone. We are only building one relatively large building there. We decided to analyse Smíchov’s blocks of flats, their proportions, resulting in the dividing of the long building into five. That means that we are actually coming up with five buildings, five different façades. Sort of 5in1 with services within its parterre.

Would you like to mention another project?

Yes, I would. We are preparing a nursery school in Modřany. When I went there for the first time, the plot looked like a jungle. I thought to myself that we should retain it. That it is a mysterious garden… We placed the nursery there in such a way as to retain as much vegetation as possible, so that the building blends well with the jungle. It will be a kind of an ecological nursery, sensitively embedded amongst the trees, with animals grazing on the roof. It will simply be different…

What is it like when you see the building finished as per your project?

Architects come up with something, the engineers build it and someone lives there. We (architects and engineers) will probably be forgotten but people will continue living there – and the building will either keep them happy or annoy them. I myself go to see our projects. I just sit down and watch the people function there. Today, it is also possible to follow it on social network. There are already several thousand people living in Suomi Hloubětín and when you follow their discussions, you understand things. It’s not that I would be going there asking them physically.

Nowadays, architects don’t only deal with just the building but mostly also with comprehensive preparation of the area. Can you see some sort of progress from this point of view?

I think it improved incredibly. I have been involved in architectural studios for 10 years. At that time, they didn’t deal with public areas and we would probably find it difficult to persuade an investor to invest their money into some park as it creates added value. Today, this comes as standard. And that is a good thing because the town needs to be cultivated… We try to do so and I think that we also paid attention to it in the past. Urbanism always needs to be at the start: To decide where to place the structures. The façade and windows can be fixed but if you positioned the building wrongly, one would overshadow the other, an entrance would be put somewhere where no one would ever enter… how would it actually work? It is like opening a baker’s in a place where nobody goes… Poor baker! I find these the functional attributes of a city and public area. What the buildings look like is also important but it is secondary. As we work on relatively large complexes, we always consider the positioning of the building primary as it is invariable. If it is placed badly, it’s wrong.

So, it is not only about ‘designing a building’…

It is necessary to analyse the market and the environment. You must take into consideration whether the building is primarily intended for families with children or whether it is rather to serve workaholics who only come there to spend the night. That is what the concept is then adjusted to: A family with children will appreciate an inner block with playground where everybody meets, children have a trampoline, parents join in the barbeque and the whole place works as a community. But a housing block situated somewhere in the centre, near Anděl within the vicinity of the underground, will be attractive for people who are always on the go. Those won’t have barbeques in the garden. Those will pop over the street to a garden grill. They live in a slightly different way and we often discuss this with the investors. There is a relatively high number of foreign investors in the Prague market. They hire a local architect so that he discloses the local life to them – that is where his added value lies as each nation comes with their own specifics. There is no universal cookbook of a residential project that would work all over the world.

How do you prepare the projects when you want to beat the competition?

Most of what we now design is in BIM, which I consider revolutionary in design, just as it was when we moved from a draft board to computer. The townhall in Modřany, for instance, is in BIM, basically from documentation all the way to the planning permit. We have already been through several projects designed in BIM. It is a very sophisticated method. It allows you to define various details, properties and information so the investor and/or the user knows exactly where everything is to be and what it is to look like. You can’t miss anything in BIM…

You come from Pardubice, studied in Brno and now work in Prague… Can you see certain differences?

I think that, in comparison with Brno, Prague is a metropolis. I studied in Brno because the local school and people who taught there then made a better impression on me. I like functionalism that pervades everything in Brno but I always wanted to work in Prague. I wanted to do that ‘big urbanism’. I like versatility and I am glad that there is no project we would be afraid getting into in LOXIA!

Arnošt Wagner

NEUGRAF to revive Smíchov

The NEUGRAF residence is being built near the busy junction at Anděl, Prague, and within the neighbourhood of the portal to the Strahov tunnel yet in a quiet area.

©Philipp Horak fuer UBM

Helmut Berghöfer, a member of Board of Directors of UBM Development Czechia and Head of project department and technical implementation, introduced the residence in more detaile.

Can you introduce the NEUGRAF project? What makes it unique?

NEUGRAF is designed as a multifunctional area in an industrial style. We are trying to bestow this popular Prague district of Smíchov with new life through this development. The project is being built in a place of a former building of Václav Neubert printing works, which was built in 1902. It wasn’t used for years and was partially dilapidated. In co-operation with architects, we were inspired by the place’s history and by this graphic works legacy. The NEUGRAF residence offers a total of 177 apartments of various layouts as well as premises for retail and services in the parterre.

How did the architectural design come up? Did it emerge from a competition?

The project originally emerged in the Greek studio ISV architects & associates and was later redesigned by architects from Bogle Architects into its current shape and form. The structure is of a basic U shape, whereby it creates an independent inner yard, which provides local residents with a safe and quiet place for relaxation, isolated from the hectic life in the city. The social terrace created for relaxation on the roof originated thanks to the areas situated on top floors. It expands the ambience of the inner yard and provides the residents with splendid views of Prague centre.

This residential project is emerging in the place of the former printing works, that is in a brownfield. Did you try to retain some original features?

Unfortunately, part of the building was contaminated and its overall technical condition was that bad that it did not allow for being either retained or reconstructed. Nevertheless, we tried to retain the industrial tradition of the place and revive the industrial spirit through raw concrete, steel and glass.

How much more difficult is it to build in a brownfield, nota bene in a developed area? Did you need to adjust the original project during the preparation to its neighbourhood so that the residents from the neighbouring buildings don’t complain about noise and other negative impacts of development?

As the plot is situated in a very steep slope, the building preparation, that is the demolition of the old building, drilling out of stilted walls almost in the perimeter of all sides and decontamination of foundation pit, represented a very difficult and costly process that took us almost a year. During these complicated building measures, we at least tried to make it easier for our neighbours and built a 5-metre high anti-noise wall around the whole foundation pit.

How did you deal with the transport of material in the busy area of Smíchov?

In co-operation with relevant offices, we came up with and realized a transportation concept. We determined the maximum possible number of lorries per day in order not to overburden the volume of transportation in narrow streets, which we managed with only a few small problems.

What is the schedule for the development and when can the first owners move in?

The whole multifunctional complex will be completed all at once. The current development process corresponds with the existing schedule. If the situation does not get worse with regards to COVID-19, the final building approval should be held in the second quarter of 2021. The new owners can then move in in the autumn next year.


A new market trend in mountain apartments

A new trend in newly-built mountain apartments is emerging. These projects are defined by their high-quality architecture and boutique character.

They are situated in ‚forgotten‘ locations, forming a natural part of their village surroundings and are within walking distance of all the services a client may need. In addition to year-round sports and relaxation opportunities, they also provide their new owners with privacy and real peace of mind, a luxury which is rarely found in popular domestic destinations nowadays. It is these principles on which the Abertamy Platz project is based.

The project is located in Abertamy, a town in the midst of the mystical Ore Mountains (Krušné hory), which were recently listed as a UNESCO site for their uniqueness and rich history. The town is situated at the foot of the Plešivec mountain, with its modern ski area and trail park, and on the ‘Ore Mountains Highway’, an extensive cross-country skiing and cycling trail. On a renovated, picturesque square, stands a corner building, formerly operated as the legendary Uran hotel. The current owner, Residence Abertamy s.r.o., plans an extensive reconstruction here in the spring of next year to restore to the square and to the building their original charm and pride, but in a contemporary fashion. The Abertamy Platz project will offer 17 apartments, from studios to generously-apportioned, terraced duplexes. The amenities will include a sauna, bicycle and ski storage rooms, a lift to the basement, private parking in the courtyard and optional professional management of apartments with above-standard yields of 6–8%. The icing on the cake is the planned restaurant on the ground floor, which the locals are already looking forward to.